worship Videos

Anointed people are called to live differently from the world—showing others that God’s way is the best way. This February, come experience a worship series exploring Christ’s counter-cultural call through the Gospel of Luke. Step out of the world’s rhythm and into God’s. Don’t miss powerful worship and sermons from top United Methodist preachers across North Georgia as we all seek to live more like Jesus!

It’s a new season! It’s a new day! A fresh anointing is headed our way! (Adapted from New Season by Israel Houghton) In Psalm 96, the Psalmist instructs the people of God to “Sing to the Lord a New Song!” A new year gives us a fresh opportunity and a new season with God. We don’t have to keep dragging what is behind along. We don’t have to bring the old year into this new season. In 2025, we can overcome what is behind and live forward into God’s new season for us! In this series, we will explore what it means to live in the newness that God gives us as we begin the new year and how to sing a new song – a song of praise and triumph – to God in 2025. Overcome what is behind and move on into a new season and a new song!
Click Here to view our videos from 2024.