Welcome To Atlanta First!
Welcome to Atlanta First! We’re thrilled you’ve chosen to visit our website and pray that you will experience God’s presence in a new way! As a part of the United Methodist Church family, our mission is to put our faith into action by making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. To that end, we have four main focuses: we worship God, serve the people of our community, grow together in our faith and love for God, and engage with one another, with the city of Atlanta, and the world beyond, striving to be models of the Christian life that Jesus taught us to live.
We hope you will “Join the Movement!”

Our Mission
As a part of the United Methodist family, we put our faith in action through our mission “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
Our Vision
The vision, the way in which we do our best to live out the mission of Atlanta First United Methodist Church, is to worship God, serve people, grow together, and engage the city of Atlanta.
Since 1847, Atlanta First United Methodist Church has been committed to the city of Atlanta. Long focused on transforming the lives of the people of the city, the church has a long history of worship, missional service, teaching, and engaging the community. In this season, Atlanta First is determined to making a creative and innovative impact upon the Downtown and Midtown corridors for good.
Core Values
• Excellence in Worship and Music
• On-Going Mission and Outreach
• Striving for Diversity and Innovation
• Committed to the Mission of Disciple-Making & Teamwork
• Taking Risks for God and Generosity of Spirit
Why we worship
God has given us so much, asking nothing in return. It is only right that we should express our gratitude and love in return. worship provides a venue for this, allowing us to focus our thoughts and hearts on God through scripture reading, prayer, singing songs, and through the messages delivered by our Pastor through her sermons. We invite you to join us either in-person at the church or online for worship, every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. EST. Please visit our worship page to learn more.
Get connected to worship: send an e-mail worship@atlantafirstumc.org to join the choir, volunteer in worship, or for more information.
Why we serve
We are called upon by Jesus to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. There is no greater expression of this love than to freely serve those neighbors who are in need. This strengthens our own connections with God, for as Jesus taught, when we have served ‘the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me.’ Please visit our serve page to learn how you can serve with us in our community.
Get connected to serve: e-mail serve@atlantafirstumc.org for information on daily opportunities to serve those in need in the city through Atlanta First.
Why we grow
God’s grace is a continual presence in our lives. Through studying the scriptures, prayer, and serving others, this grace will grow our love and understanding of God. We invite you to join our small group studies and Sunday school classes to help you grow in your own relationship with God. Please visit our grow page to learn what opportunities we offer.
Get connected to grow: e-mailgrow@atlantafirstumc.org for information on how to join a small group, attend Sunday School classes, and other learning opportunities.
Why we engage
Atlanta First is more than just a place to worship, serve and grow together. We are also a family who supports one another in life and advocates for social justice. Through engaged fellowship we experience with one another love of God and neighbor, and we organize to promote environmental justice and protect civil and human rights for all people. Please visit our engage page page to see the opportunities offered for fellowship and action.
Get connected to engage: e-mail engage@atlantafirstumc.org if you have questions or suggestions for events, if you’d like more information on how to attend or help with events, or if you wish to join our Sunday Squad volunteers.