We Exist to grow Together in Faith
God’s grace is a continual presence in our lives. Through studying the scriptures, prayer, and serving others, this grace will grow our love and understanding of God. We invite you to join our small group studies and Sunday school classes to help you grow in your own relationship with God.
Our adult Sunday School class is taught as a hybrid class at 9 a.m. on Sunday mornings. You may attend in person at the church or online via ZOOM.
Get Connected to grow: e-mail grow@atlantafirstumc.org for the ZOOM links, information on how to join a small group or attend Sunday School classes, and other learning opportunities. Click the image below to download a handy guide to choosing a study bible.
Study Bible Guide!
Click the image below to download a handy guide to choosing a study bible.

Sunday Morning grow Group:
Social Principals
Sundays at 9 a.m. EST
The Social Principles are a set of public United Methodist statements that address what United Methodists have agreed for the most pressing social concerns in the world today. The biggest revision of The Social Principles happened at the meeting of the 2020 General Conference in 2024. Join the Sunday grow Group as we discuss what the United Methodist Church has agreed to say about our society and world. Let’s start the year with a good reminder of what it means to be United Methodist in our contexts!
The class meets online in ZOOM and in-person in classroom 214 at Atlanta First UMC at 9 a.m. EST on Sunday mornings. The class is led by jointly by Associate Pastor Chris Rapko and laity members of the class. The ZOOM link and information are below. Let’s grow with God together!
Click Here to Join the ZOOM
Meeting ID: 817 7912 8812
Passcode: 0360
Phone: 301.715.8592

Tuesday Evening grow Group:
Pastor’s Dive Deeper Bible Study
Tuesdays at 7 p.m. EST
Join the Tuesday grow Group this winter as we undertake the next chapter of our spiritual journey through the scriptures in the Pastor’s Dive Deeper Bible Study! We are diving deep into the book of Exodus, using James D. Newsome’s Interpretation Bible Studies: Exodus as our guide. Weaving together the stories of Moses, the nation of Israel, and the God who rescues and liberates, Exodus becomes a story for our time, a story about seeking and finding a redeeming God in times of separation and sin, hopelessness and oppression. All are welcome to participate!
This grow group meets via ZOOM on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. EST. Lead Pastor Rev. Jasmine R. Smothers is the facilitator. Please register HERE to receive the ZOOM link.

Wednesday Evening grow Group
Sacred Playlist
Wednesdays at 7 p.m. EST
The Wednesday grow Group is spinning and rocking to a series called Sacred Playlist! Join in the fun as we discuss the Christian themes of favorite songs selected by group members. We listen to the songs together and discuss virtually on ZOOM every Wednesday night. Grab your Bible, a snack, and your ZOOM device, and let’s have fun growing together!
The Wednesday Evening grow Group meets online via ZOOM at 7 p.m. EST. The group is co-facilitated by Associate Pastor Rev. Chris Rapko and Melanie Long. You may register HERE to receive the study materials. The links for the song suggestions form and the ZOOM meeting are below. Let’s grow in musical discipleship with God together!

Thursday Morning grow Group
Companions in Christ
Thursdays at 11 a.m. EST
The Thursday Morning grow Group is undertaking a study based on the book Companions in Christ by Marjorie Thompson, Janice Grana, and Stephen Bryant. Over the course of 28 weeks, Companions in Christ offers a powerfully transforming small-group experience in opening yourself to God’s presence and guidance. Explore classic spiritual practices, and develop new daily patterns that will open your life to a deepening relationship with God and with your group. The study is divided into five subject units: spiritual formation, scripture, prayer, vocation, and spiritual companionship.
The study guide book is available for purchase from the church at a discounted price. Please contact Mary Jackson (mary@atlantafirstumc.org) to purchase one.
This grow group meets in-person at the church and online via ZOOM, Thursdays from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. EST. The class is co-led by Rev. Dr. Jacqui Rose-Tucker and Rev. Jasmine R. Smothers. Please register HERE if you wish to participate, to receive the ZOOM link. All are welcome!
Book Club
Next Meeting: Monday, February 24, 2025 @ 7 p.m. EST
Love to read? Join our Book Club on the last Monday of every month to discuss some of the hottest reads in the last several years through the lens of faith. The group meets online via ZOOM.
During the month of February we are reading The Chance by Karen Kingsbury. We will meet to discuss the book on Monday, February 27, 2025 at 7 p.m. EST, online via ZOOM. All are welcome to participate. Happy reading!
Click Here to Join the ZOOM
Meeting ID: 872.7351.0270
Passcode: 666318
Phone: 301-715-8592
If you need help purchasing a copy of the book, or have suggestions or questions, please send an email to grow@atlantafirstumc.org.
Creating a Safe Sanctuary
Jesus said, “Whoever welcomes a child … welcomes me” (Matthew 18:5). Children are our present and our future, our hope, our teachers, our inspiration. They are full participants in the life of the church and in the realm of God.
Jesus also said, “If any of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones … it would be better for you if a great millstone were fastened around your neck and you were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6). Our Christian faith calls us to offer both hospitality and protection to the little ones, the children. The Social Principles of The United Methodist Church state that “children must be protected from economic, physical, emotional and sexual exploitation and abuse.” (¶ 162C).
Tragically, churches have not always been safe places for children. Child sexual abuse, exploitation, and ritual abuse [“ritual abuse” refers to abusive acts committed as part of ceremonies or rites; ritual abusers are often related to cults, or pretend to be] occur in churches, large and small, urban and rural. The problem cuts across all economic, cultural, and racial lines. It is real, and it appears to be increasing. Most annual conferences can cite specific incidents of child sexual abuse and exploitation within churches. Virtually every congregation has among its members adult survivors of early sexual trauma.
Such incidents are devastating to all who are involved: the child, the family, the local church and its leaders. Increasingly, churches are torn apart by the legal, emotional, and monetary consequences of litigation following allegations of abuse.
God calls us to make our churches safe places, protecting children and other vulnerable persons from sexual and ritual abuse. God calls us to create communities of faith where children and adults grow safe and strong.
Thus, in covenant with all United Methodist congregations, we have a policy for the prevention of abuse at Atlanta First United Methodist Church and accompanying procedures to demonstrate our absolute and unwavering commitment to the physical safety, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth of all our children, youth, and vulnerable adults. Find a copy of that policy HERE.
This form is for unintentional acts which occur on church property or during church events and someone is hurt. For example: A child falls on the playground; an older adult slips on the floor; a tooth is knocked out during youth basketball.
This form is used when an action is observed that does not require reporting to DFCS, but does require attention by staff or clergy. For example: A Sunday School teacher “loses it” with a class; an adult “in charge” walks out of a classroom to get supplies and leaves children briefly unattended.
This form is used when a volunteer or staff person sees, has been told of, or suspects a child, youth or vulnerable adult has been abused in some way. For example: A youth confides abuse to a counselor; a child comes to Sunday School with bruising and injuries he can’t/won’t explain; a homebound visitor finds a senior adult without food in the house.
This Suspected Abuse Follow-Up Form is used to record additional steps taken by staff to address the Suspected Abuse.
A form to give permission to the church to use your image, or the image of someone you are the legal guardian of, in print, web, video, and all other media. Please fill out separate forms for all adults and children in a given household. Please email the completed pdf form to engage@atlantafirstumc.org.
A form for parents or guardians of children and youth to fill out with emergency contact and insurance information. Please email the completed pdf form to engage@atlantafirstumc.org.