We Exist to serve People in Need

We are called upon by Jesus to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. There is no greater expression of this love than to freely serve those neighbors who are in need. This strengthens our own connections with God, for as Jesus taught, when we have served ‘the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me.’

At Atlanta First, we understand that God desires for us to be in ministry beyond the walls of the church. We acknowledge that God has a plan to mend the brokenness in creation and we anticipate that He will use us as part of that plan. What is your role in His plan?

Get Connected to serve: E-mail serve@atlantafirstumc.org for information on daily opportunities to serve those in need in the city through Atlanta First.

It is time once again to serve our neighbors and friends at the front door who are in need this winter by collecting cold-weather clothing and supplies through our Keep Atlanta Warm campaign. For clothing donations, please consider giving new or gently used coats, sweaters, hats, gloves and thick blankets. For supplies, we need single-use hand warmers.

Please bring your donations to the church, either on Sundays mornings or Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. You can also mail donations to our donation package address:

Atlanta First UMC Packages
2020 Howell Mill Road NW
Suite D-339
Atlanta, GA 30318-1732

Friends at the Front Door is a ministry to serve our homeless and hungry friends who live in the vicinity of Atlanta First. We provide a bag lunch, clothing, toiletry supplies, and share a time of fellowship and prayer with those we serve.

When and where do we serve?

The first Tuesday of each month at 11 a.m., on the front steps of the church.

How do I participate?

All you have to do is show up! Just by being present, handing out food and water and by sharing in a time of fellowship with our Friends, you are being the hands and feet of Christ. You can also support the ministry remotely by making monetary donations to purchase the supplies and food. $15 buys a toiletry kit and $8 buys a meal to hand out. Please visit our Giving Page to make a monetary donation, or our Amazon mission wishlist to directly purchase supplies.

Bishop’s Challenge: Diaper Drive!

Bishop Robin Dease, our resident Bishop, has issued a challenge to churches in the North Georgia Annual Conference: to purchase diapers, pull-ups and baby wipes for families in need. The prices of these essential baby supplies continue to rise, making it difficult for low-income families to afford them. And you can help: please consider buying these supplies next time you are at the store. You may then bring them to the church and we will see that they are given to a family in need.

Canned Food Drive for MAC

We are running an ongoing canned-food drive on behalf of Midtown Assistance Center. MAC is a long-time ministry partner of Atlanta First who serve the working poor of Atlanta. One aspect of their ministry is a Food Pantry, where their clients can obtain, at no cost, non-perishable food in times of need. You can help MAC to stock the Pantry by donating canned foods, such as soups, vegetables, meat and pastas, as well as other common non-perishable foods like peanut butter and jelly. An Amazon wish list with the most requested items may be viewed HERE.

MAC also has an Amazon wish list of their own that you may purchase suggested donations from, found HERE.

You may bring your donations to the church and we will deliver them on your behalf. If you are ordering online and would like to ship the donations direct to MAC, their address is 613 Spring St NW, Atlanta, GA 30308.

serve at MAC

WHEN: Monday thru Thursday (times vary by day)

WHERE: Meet at the church to carpool to MAC.

Our long-time ministry partner Midtown Assistance Center, located at 613 Spring Street NW (across from The Varsity), has weekly opportunities for you to help serve the working poor in the city of Atlanta. Every Monday thru Thursday, volunteers are needed to help pack grocery deliveries from MAC’s food pantry. There are also volunteer opportunities to perform administrative tasks and assisting MAC’s clients. Please visit MAC’s website to for signup details.

When disaster strikes around the globe, so many watching the drama unfold on our living room televisions feel entirely helpless. How could any one person make a difference in the wake of such widespread devastation? As responders around the globe scramble to help survivors, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, UMCOR, is prepared to act.

Since 1940, when UMCOR’s forerunner was established to meet the needs of those suffering overseas at the onset of World War II, we’ve continued to respond to those in desperate need—today in more than eighty countries around the world. The response of UMCOR isn’t something “they” do, it’s something we do.

When you give, you equip Christ’s body to serve in his name. That’s because your generous giving to UMCOR is what allows us to act as the arms and legs of Christ’s church, moving toward the most vulnerable in their darkest days.